18 years in the making | Teen Ink

18 years in the making

August 5, 2010
By CupCake023 BRONZE, Georgetown, Pennsylvania
CupCake023 BRONZE, Georgetown, Pennsylvania
4 articles 8 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take a chance, you never know how perfect something can turn out.

I made this pic bc my birthday is here soon and 18 years just went by too fast and... I've changed SO much since i was lil to now its crazy...

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This art has 2 comments.

on Aug. 19 2010 at 9:35 am
CupCake023 BRONZE, Georgetown, Pennsylvania
4 articles 8 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take a chance, you never know how perfect something can turn out.

ty im makin a better one bc this one is kinda choppy, then im gonna work on ones for my 4 brothers

on Aug. 19 2010 at 12:10 am
HippieNamedAnna PLATINUM, Kansas City, Missouri
21 articles 7 photos 90 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let It Be-The Beatles
Music is the only thing that makes sense any more-Me
Make love, not war-a bunch of people
Roses are red, Violets are blue, I have five fingers, The middle one's for you-Me :)

cool. wow.