Springtime | Teen Ink


May 5, 2010
By Lioness_Eyes, placentia, California
Lioness_Eyes, Placentia, California
0 articles 11 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Albert Einstein

I painted this for my church and it was displayed in the Easter service. It took eight days to complete and it's probably my favorite piece ever.

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This art has 4 comments.

Pepperluna said...
on Jul. 22 2012 at 9:23 am
Pepperluna, Huntington, New York
0 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have no dominion greater or less than over yourself." -Leonardo da Vinci and "Life without love, is no life at all." -Leonardo da Vinci

Well then your church is gifted to have such a talent!! I see why this is your fave piece!!!

on Feb. 4 2012 at 9:36 pm
Amyelisee BRONZE, Lake Bluff, Illinois
3 articles 8 photos 117 comments
Thats so gorgeous!!!

on Jul. 3 2010 at 8:36 am
HeatherBee BRONZE, I Live In, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1979 comments

Favorite Quote:
Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper

Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect

its charmingly brilliant:DDD i love the colors. great job!!

anime18 SILVER said...
on May. 13 2010 at 1:03 pm
anime18 SILVER, Brampton, Other
7 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.

wow now that is what i would like to call art. truly a masterpiece and the detail of the color even brings it to life.