Love, Driz | Teen Ink

Love, Driz

September 10, 2010
By TheStoryWeaver GOLD, Sofia, Other
TheStoryWeaver GOLD, Sofia, Other
12 articles 4 photos 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Aenied is an Odyssey of epic proportions." - Caleb
"Eve was deceived and ate the fruit, Adam ate it out of stupidity." - Mr. M
"Begone ye map of woe!"
"I'm the map..." - Lydia and Caleb.

I never really loved the prince. Oh, sure, I loved his power, his title, his money.
But, I never really loved the prince. I loved his looks, his family, his house.
Why did she have to tell?

Dear Diary,
Lela had to go to the ball. She wasn’t stable. I mean, she was crazy. She was Charles’ daughter. My stepsister. I admit, I wasn’t happy when I learned I was to have another sister. I already had one that was older, but then I found that Lela was my age and I was glad. We could share clothes and toys and talk and giggle. And I tried. I tried to be nice, and play with her. But she said she wasn’t satisfied unless she was cleaning. I tried to help and just be around her so we could chat. She freaked out when I did. On the day of the ball, Lela had a beautiful dress. It was one that I’d picked out for her because she couldn’t care less. Mother had a migraine and asked Lela, the closest one to her, to fetch her a glass of water. Well, Lela did not want to get the water and started screaming. Then, Mother got all mad because Lela was screaming and she had a headache. Worst came to worst and Lela was banned from going to the ball. Of course, as soon as she wasn’t allowed to attend the ball, she was desperate to go! Mother absolutely forbid it and swept Anastasia and I out the door, dressed in finery.

Dear Diary,
I don’t know how Lela was able to make her way to the ball, but there she was. Standing at the top of the stairs, being announced as Cinderella. Really? Cinderella? She has the nicest room in the house! Anyway, I was dancing with the prince, when he dropped me. Lela was skilled in hair styling, for all her crazing and cleaning, and Cinderella was beautiful. How could a poor step sister compare? I was dropped. Dropped like a heavy pail of water. Sigh.
Oh, great. Cinderella is now dancing with the prince… now the clock is striking midnight… she sees us… she runs…yada yada yada… shoe on the stair… running…running…running. Whatever. Now “Cinderella” is not only beautiful, but has an “aura of mystery” surrounding her. Delightful. Attention ladies and gentlemen, we have a missing shoe-er that happens to be crazy and k--.

Dear Diary,
Sorry, I was called away. You know the rest of the story. Prince finds shoe. Shoe is tiny. (Lela always had TINY feet.) Goes on search for maiden of shoe. Comes to our house. Lela is cleaning oven. Goes up to change. I try on shoe. Almost fits. Lela comes rushing down stairs. Shoe fits. (Hoo-ray.) Accuses us of locking her in her room. Yeah right. She is SUCH A LIAR!!! I CAN’T STAND IT!!!
Got to go and get fitted for the wedding.

Dear Diary,
Where was I? Oh yes. I CAN’T STAND HER!
Ok, got that out of my system. On with the story.
We got a wedding invitation a week after Lela was discovered by the prince. Yep. Anastasia was proposed to by the Duke that accompanied the prince. Love at first sight, and all that pizzazz. Whatever. We also got a restraining order from none other than the lovely… Lela a.k.a. Cinderella. We are formally not allowed within two metres of her. I’m pretty glad. I just hope it works the other way as well.

Dear Diary,
The prince FINALLY proposed. Now we can finally get rid of her. I know I sound like I’m being mean, but she’s really crazy. Like dangerous. Charles should’ve put her in the loony house but it wouldn’t be good for his image and Charles is all about image. Congrats, Prince, you are about to marry a lunatic!
Yeah, I really hope the prince doesn’t find this diary… because it could be kinda awkward. I could potentially be hung for this. Nah. Like that would happen! I’m nobility, so I would be beheaded instead. Crimes against royalty. Treason towards the crown.
Anyways… I just hope Lela doesn’t do anything crazy before then.
Going to hide this under a loose floorboard.

Dear Diary,
WHY IN THE WORLD DID ANASTASIA HAVE TO TELL???!!! She told the prince that Lela was CRAZY. She also told the BIG family secret—Lela had another stepmother before Mother, and… Lela apparently went insane and killed her. Yikes. That will really put a damper on a relationship. So Lela was thrown into the dungeon to await her trial.
If there’s anything you need to know about Lela, it’s that she doesn’t like the dark. Like she goes crazy. I can only imagine what the dungeon will do to her. I guarantee it won’t be good.
Hoping for the best.

Dear Diary,
Lela was let out of the dungeons after three days. She was deemed falsely accused and sent back to her rooms in the lap of luxury. She was mad but no one in the castle had noticed yet.
One would think that after being accused of murdering someone and being in a dungeon for three days, one would lie low. SOOOO not Lela. What will she do next and what will be the effect?
Fingers crossed.

Dear Diary,
Well, she did it. Lela went stark raving insane. The prince woke in the middle of the night to find her standing over his bed with a knife in her hand. And down cometh Lela, engagement and all. The royal family quickly terminated the marriage and arrested the former blushing bride. Lela was dragged away screaming that she was innocent, despite still having the knife in her hand. She will spend the rest of her life in a padded cell with therapy twice a week. At least she’s getting the help she needs.
Over and out.

Dear Diary,
Why in the WORLD did I have to be the one with the LUNATIC stepsister? Apparently, since the prince was already promised to a Castel, and I was the next of kin, I was to marry the prince! I was ecstatic at first. I mean, a life of luxury and balls and happily ever afters. That sounds pretty good. After two weeks after living in the royal castle, I was bored out of my mind. I saw the prince on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays for an hour. We stared at each other for the duration of that time. The rest of my days were spent trying on wedding gowns, needlework, singing, sleeping and smiling. I was tired of it. I wanted to break off the engagement, but they wouldn’t let me.
Bored out of my mind.
Dear Diary,
I never really loved the prince. Oh, sure, I loved his power, his title, his money.
But, I never really loved the prince. I loved his looks, his family, his house.
I asked if I could go home. In front of the town. Then, when they didn’t allow me, I was desperate. I accused them of kidnapping. They whisked me away and told me if I didn’t comply, my family was in danger. This is what I consider a disaster. Plus, I was thrown into the dungeon. Now I know how Lela felt. Speaking of Lela, she found love. Her prison guard doesn’t mind a crazy wife. He probably witnessed her maniac cleaning. Anastasia is happily married and baking bread at five in the morning.
Why did she have to tell?
Now everyone has their happily ever after. Everyone except for me.

The author's comments:
This retelling is told from a step sister's point of view and is based on the original Cinderella where she killed her first stepmother. I made her crazy to make it interesting. :p Some ideas are from the book Just Ella, which is a really good book.

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