A Minecraft Creepypasta | Teen Ink

A Minecraft Creepypasta

November 18, 2014
By IAceEnglish PLATINUM, Altamonte Springs, Florida
IAceEnglish PLATINUM, Altamonte Springs, Florida
26 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
One does not have a claim on one's life, only the right to use it. – Dharma Master Shih Chang Yen

One weekend, I decided to make a new world on Minecraft. I made it so that the terrain was Normal, the difficulty mode was Peaceful, and the Gamemode was Creative. This way, I could build unobstructed by any worries.

It started out all right. I spawned in a forest. After breaking a few overhead leaf blocks, I double-pressed the spacebar to get myself off the ground and flew over the nearby terrain to see if I could find a nice spot for a house. It had to be a good place for someone in Survival too, just in case anyone wanted to join me. As I arrived over a desert, though, things began to change.

If it hadn’t had water from a nearby lake flowing into it, I probably wouldn’t have noticed the first oddity. Floating down, I took a closer look, then a double-take. A dent was in the landscape. The closest comparison I could draw was the damage caused by a creeper explosion, but the hole was deeper and wider than even a Charged Creeper (who’s explosions are much bigger) could gouge. And besides, I was on Peaceful, not monster mode. I chalked it up to a bug and went on. My house would be in a pretty place, not a desert. Thank goodness I hadn’t put the world on the Large Biomes setting.

But as I went on, I saw another dent, and another. I still believed it was a bug, so I found a nice spot for my house without much incident. At the time I was more worried about the surrounding area than anything else. As night fell on my avatar, I placed a bed and made my player sleep. Just as my player “woke up” I was called away, and saved the world before putting my computer away.

The next day, I went back on the same world to start construction. I wanted it to be a great manor, so I started promptly. When I was almost finished with the main room, I heard a music track cut into the one already playing. This was one I had never heard before in all my Minecraft-playing experience. A fanciful notion of Herobrine fleeted to the surface of my thoughts, but I pushed it aside. Even if Herobrine was real, He tended to stick to a pattern. This would be deviating in the extreme. I was very confused now.

I had a feeling that I wouldn’t be able to get away from the creepy sound, so I continued working. Eventually, it ended, and nothing else unexpected happened after that.

I began to look into it. I looked on Youtube and on the Web itself, but nothing like this was recorded on any Youtube video or mentioned in any article on the Net. I never voiced any of this to my family and friends for fear they would just laugh at me, which was more than a little likely. I wondered if, perhaps, this was something unknown to anybody. Meanwhile, the music kept it’s untimely schedule. Occasionally something went missing from one of my many chests, but other than that nothing really big happened.

But, as always, you can’t keep up high expectations for long.

• • • • •
About a month after creating “Spook World” as I was now calling it, I settled down on the couch with my computer and turned on Minecraft. Once again, I double-clicked on the world giving me so much in-game stress. I reappeared in front of my house. Nothing out of the ordinary. I checked all my chests. Nothing was missing. I was more than a little relieved. That also gave me a little happiness. I hoped that today on the game would be one without anything scary happening, like the day before. My hopes were dashed the moment I got out of the house. I was still in Creative Mode, so I was able to keep myself from falling into the hole dug right in front of my door. From the looks of it, it went right into the Void, the deep blackness under the world where things fall forever. I filled it up from the bottom to the top. After I did so, I paused to contemplate the occurance. This was odd. Nothing really dangerous to me had ever happened before. I pushed it aside for a little bit. I had come on Minecraft today planning on adding an extension to my house, and I wanted to get construction started.

I had just finished (having worked overnight in game) and was admiring how fast I had built the new room when I noticed something moving inside my house. What was that? I checked the difficulty mode. Peaceful. It couldn’t be a monster; they only spawn on Easy, Normal and Hard. Then the spooky music cut into the track that plays when you are building stuff. I managed to ignore it as I got my sword ready and came inside, accidentaly breaking the door (again). When I got in, I just stared in amazement. The thing inside my house was another avatar that looked exactly like me! There was no way anybody could have gotten in my world without me noticing. I wasn’t even on multiplayer! And a message saying “ has arrived” did not come up in the lower left corner like it should have. On another note, the chances of someone having the same look as me is next-to-no. I attacked. I took a few hits, but I prevailed and my double died. It was obviously a very poor fighter. Then, suddenly, the view switched and I was looking at myself, the computer asking me if I wanted to respawn or quit. Fully creeped out, I quit, deciding to play on one of the other worlds that I had for a change.

When I clicked back into the singleplayer mode where Minecraft worlds are stored, I found that all 5 of them were gone, even the one I had just been playing on. As if I needed anything else?! This was beginning to sound like creepypasta! As I wondered about everything in dumbfounded confusion, I had a chilling thought. What if the doppelgänger was actually me?

The author's comments:

I made this story for a school assignment, when I was tasked with writing a short story with a surprise twist (I got 100%). Although most of it is fiction, the music part is based on an actual experience. In November 2012, I heard creepy music just after creating a world on version 1.7.2. Like the character in this story, I was high in the air and nowhere near a cave. This is what caught my attention: I had lost my headphones at the time, so to keep from annoying anyone I had muted the computer.

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This article has 8 comments.

Sparaxis GOLD said...
on Feb. 11 2017 at 3:18 pm
Sparaxis GOLD, Saint Marys, Georgia
13 articles 1 photo 307 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you keep on picking on me, I'll mess up again. This time, on PURPOSE."

Okay! It's called It Wasn't Him: a Minecrafter's Tale.

on Jan. 26 2017 at 8:57 pm
IAceEnglish PLATINUM, Altamonte Springs, Florida
26 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
One does not have a claim on one's life, only the right to use it. – Dharma Master Shih Chang Yen

Sure! I'll read it.

Sparaxis GOLD said...
on Jan. 24 2017 at 4:35 pm
Sparaxis GOLD, Saint Marys, Georgia
13 articles 1 photo 307 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you keep on picking on me, I'll mess up again. This time, on PURPOSE."

Thanks! Got confused for a minute.

Sparaxis GOLD said...
on Jan. 24 2017 at 4:27 pm
Sparaxis GOLD, Saint Marys, Georgia
13 articles 1 photo 307 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you keep on picking on me, I'll mess up again. This time, on PURPOSE."

Want me to let you know when it gets published?

Sparaxis GOLD said...
on Nov. 9 2016 at 8:42 am
Sparaxis GOLD, Saint Marys, Georgia
13 articles 1 photo 307 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you keep on picking on me, I'll mess up again. This time, on PURPOSE."

I remember experiencing something strange in Minecraft that didn't feature Herobrine...But before that I once dealt with him.

on Apr. 1 2015 at 9:42 am
IAceEnglish PLATINUM, Altamonte Springs, Florida
26 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
One does not have a claim on one's life, only the right to use it. – Dharma Master Shih Chang Yen

No, this has no hidden meaning. It is partly based on my own experience, though, and trust me, the music was pretty creepy!

on Mar. 31 2015 at 9:06 pm
The_Edge SILVER, Teaneck, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Wisest is he who knows he does not know."

Does this have a hidden meaning (like Pokemon Lost Silver does)? Should I be looking for one? By the way, great story! :)

on Jan. 4 2015 at 4:16 pm
IAceEnglish PLATINUM, Altamonte Springs, Florida
26 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
One does not have a claim on one's life, only the right to use it. – Dharma Master Shih Chang Yen

Just for clarification the character's avatar worked overnight, not the character herself.