broke and broken | Teen Ink

broke and broken

September 11, 2009
By coldnightswarmfights SILVER, Dripping Springs, Texas
coldnightswarmfights SILVER, Dripping Springs, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Priest: I don't want to hear it. No more horror stories.
Commoner: They are common stories these days. I even heard that the demon living here in Rashômon fled in fear of the ferocity of man.

There was blood tainting the swirling green glass red. He is five and he breaks a bowl.

He doesn't even notice that 'Just say no' is written across his D.A.R.E. cap when Johnny passes him the joint. He is seven and he breaks a rule.

He isn't the only one with a broken bone and Sammy Devino still walks with a limp even if the cast has been long forgotten. He is ten and he breaks bones.

He tries to convince himself he needs the money as his gun hand trembles. He is fourteen and he breaks a law.

Mama sighes and she will cry later too. Father is never around to shake his head, a distant smudge like a s***** eraser and cheap pencil lead, like his last English Essay.

His hand trembles once again as he counts the caplets - one, two - and thinks that no one will miss him - three, four - and that he'll finally be in the paper for once without a crime attached - five, six - and wonders how many pills he's going to need to count before he can just swallow them - seven, eight - and finally math comes in handy - nine, ten.

He is seventeen and he is the one that is broken.

The author's comments:
meh. i blame the rain : ) don't read if you're sensitive about suicide or don't need a depressing story. i think it's depressing, but i dunno. D:

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 3 2010 at 5:47 pm
seven_stones GOLD, Atlantis, Massachusetts
16 articles 0 photos 45 comments
really good! i like the poetic flow to it.