I Found Cupid's Arrows | Teen Ink

I Found Cupid's Arrows

June 12, 2009
By Fashionista828 PLATINUM, Vienna, Virginia
Fashionista828 PLATINUM, Vienna, Virginia
39 articles 12 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
True love doesn't have a happy ending, because true love dosn't end. <3
"I am a great housekeeper: Every time I lose a man I get his house!!" ~Zsa Zsa Gabor

The day I found cupid’s arrows was on my best friend Ana’s birthday: February 13. I live in Love City. I was going to Love Park for a surprise party at the pizzeria, when I saw this shiny thing in the grass. This reminded me of …THE PRESENT!!!! I forgot the friendship bracelet I made her! What was I going to do?? I decided to take the thing without even looking to see what it was! (It was a dumb choice!)

When we got to the pizzeria my whole class was there. It was Ana’s 12th birthday, and she had 12 HUGE candles on her cake. When she blew out the candles I knew exactly what she wished for: She wished for the cutest boy in our class to fall madly in love with her.

After the party she said to me, “You know my wish last year didn’t work out. But this year it is definitely going to work out.” I asked her what last year’s wish was.

She said, “I wanted to be swept away on a white horse with the love of my life: Joni Adore.”

I could not believe that she has wished like this since 2nd grade! Two years ago she wished for a chariot with a brown horse to sweep her away. Then it was time for the presents. I looked in my pocket for the thing I pick up at the park. I took it out to look at it. It was the bracelet! I gave it to her and she loved it. She put it on straight away. I wondered what I found in the park.

When I got home I looked to what I found in Love Park. It was a bow and golden arrows?! The golden case had a name on it. It said:

If found please return to this address:
Cupid, 214 Love Lane, Love City
Or kiss any boy/girl in the world and I will appear.

I thought a second when I saw the name Cupid. These were Cupid’s arrows!! I was going to go to the address, to return them when I had the most brilliant idea. I should use the arrows to make Joni Adore fall madly in love with Ana! I went to my computer to look up Cupid. I found out that Cupid comes only when two lovers have their first kiss, and when Cupid hits someone with an arrow the first person they see they will fall madly in love. And if the love doesn’t work out, just hit the opposite person and they will go back to normal.

I thought, “Ok, so if the love does not work out I’ll just hit Ana with an arrow and I will give the bow & arrows back to Cupid. It’s a perfect plan! The best part is that the next day was Valentine’s Day. And I think Ana will be sneaking a Secret Admirer note in Joni’s locker that asked him to come to Love Park to meet her. My plan is sure-fire now!

The next day went perfect! I saw Ana put the note in Joni’s locker. She looked really excited. That afternoon I went for a walk with my dog Fifi, when I saw Joni waiting in Love Park. Then I saw Ana come behind him when he came up to me.

He said, “Hey, so why did you want to meet me here of all places?”

OMG!!!! He thought I was his Secret Admirer!!

I said, “Ya know I think that your Secret Admirer is … Actually, I think you should close your eyes and turn around slowly.” Then when he did it I shot him with the arrow. He opened his eyes and saw Ana and said, “Ya want a smoothie?” She said OK and thanked me.

As they went off I went to Cupid’s address and he said, “You know what? I was just about to go shoot that Joni kid right now. But you beat me to him!”

Ana called me later thanking me a million times, because she and Joni went to get smoothies and then he kissed her! she was so shocked. She kept saying that she loved me and that i was the best friend in the world!

And then I thought of something. In Love City there are a lot of places with the word “love” in it, and there’s a lot of love in Love City.

That must be why they call Love City the city of LOVE.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a school paper, but they turned me down because of when Ana and Joni kissed. I was really mad about that!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 4 2009 at 3:09 pm
Brilliantbecca SILVER, Clayton, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A best friend is someone whom laughs three times at a joke; once when it's told, once when you explain it and five minutes later when they finally get it."

Amazing! very good, keep writing!