A Love Story- Chapter 1- Sometime in The Future | Teen Ink

A Love Story- Chapter 1- Sometime in The Future

May 15, 2010
By Drama_Queen13 DIAMOND, Nantucket, Massachusetts
Drama_Queen13 DIAMOND, Nantucket, Massachusetts
51 articles 0 photos 108 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live Life Like A Song."

The sky was a robin-egg color blue with clouds like marsh mellows floating on it. Kathleen was in the middle of washing dishes and gazing outside at her yard, the grass and trees and flowers all glowing in the brilliant golden sunlight. There was a slight breeze and it carried the scent of Kathleen’s ruby-red roses that grew along the wall of her daughters’ shed. She heard the door slam and the thumping of six feet before her daughters came into view.
“Hey mom.” her oldest daughter, Katherine Elena greeted her pulling out her homework folder.
“Hi mom.” Her middle child, Angel Maureen said loudly not realizing she was the only one who couldn’t hear through the music blasting from her IPod.
“Hi mommy!” her littlest daughter Elphaba Rose caroled cheerfully racing in to give Kathleen a hug and kiss. Kathleen gladly returned the hug and sweet kiss before hugging both of her other daughters. Katherine was a freshman and had long, dark brown hair that curled ever so slightly. She had large emerald eyes and was taller than everyone in her class. Angel, on the other hand, was the shortest in her 8th grade class with straight dirty blonde hair that she kept in a pixie-styled haircut with purple streaks. She had one blue and one green eye, and though some might think that was strange, she absolutely adored it. And little Elphaba had chestnut hair that was always curly no matter WHAT Kathleen tried to do with it, and had gorgeous blue eyes that reminded Kathleen of the ocean. Elphaba was as sweet and tiny as any 9 year-old could be, but she wasn’t afraid to speak up. Kathleen was proud of her girls; they were beautiful, smart, and unique in every way possible. They had all set into their own work; Katherine on her English essay, Angel on her dance routine, and Kathleen went back to the dishes. Only little Elphaba sat unusually quiet and thoughtful.
“What’s wrong sweetie?” Kathleen asked her usually bright and chatty little girl.
“Mama, have you ever been in love?” Kathleen looked up in surprise. Why was her little girl asking this? She always knew one day, she would sit her 3 daughters down and tell them the whole story, she had planned for it, actually. But she was caught completely off-guard when Elphaba suddenly asked. Now all 3 of her girls were looking at her expectantly. It was so quiet throughout the house; you could hear a pin drop.
“It’s quite a long story, girls.” Kathleen said honestly setting down her dishes and leaning over the kitchen counter.
“It’s Friday, mom,” Katherine pointed out already putting away her school work. “So I don’t HAVE to do my essay right now.”
“My musical isn’t until next week,” Angel added leaning against the dining room wall. “So I can practice later.”
Elphaba smiled happily as she turned back towards Kathleen. The memories were flooding back now, every sound, color, every thought from that time was being reborn inside her mind.
“Alright…” Kathleen relented and they all rushed into the living room. Kathleen took a seat on the coach, with Elphaba sitting on her lap, while Angel stretched out on the white rug and Katherine bunched up her long legs on the rocking chair.
“Where should I begin?” Kathleen wondered aloud.
“How about when you were in Grease? You said the place you performed at was very important to you.” Katherine suggested.
“Yes, but that was about 2 years before I fell in love.”
“How about the summer you dated Toby Delito and then got dumped?” Angel pointed out.
“What about when you first realized you loved him?” Elphaba said sweetly, her chestnut curls were tousled and her ocean-blue eyes were wide and patient.
Kathleen took a deep breath. “Well, believe it or not, all of you picked time periods that all fit together in this story. The place that was so important was a theatre group, and that’s where I first met him. But we were only about 11 than. And the summer Toby broke my heart was the summer I was reunited with Nicholas and I realized I loved him that summer too.”
The girls sensed the beginning of their mom’s story was about to start and they all settled in.
Meanwhile, Kathleen’s mind was drifting, back to the beginning of those memories she could not and would not forget…..
“It was July 18th, 2009. It was raining that day; and I had just gotten home from Nantucket Beach. We were finding out our parts in one of my favorite plays, Rent, and me and my best friend Maria were so excited and nervous….”
The room around Kathleen seemed to fade away, she was no longer the adult she just was, she was 13 again. Sitting in her mom’s old red car, and bouncing with excitement. She had no idea how much that day would mean to her in the future……

The author's comments:
This is another romance based on real life. This part of the story takes place in the future, but when Kathleen's telling the story; it takes place in modern times. I just wanted to clearify that. This was insipered by The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. Enjoy!

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This article has 4 comments.

on Apr. 27 2011 at 4:21 pm
Drama_Queen13 DIAMOND, Nantucket, Massachusetts
51 articles 0 photos 108 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live Life Like A Song."

I have no idea how this person knew all of that, but your right, it is very similar to Our Summer because the stroy of Our Summer has basically become more based on the relationship HeartBreakChick is talking about. But I'll explain that in the end....Thanks for reading and commenting!!!

on Apr. 22 2011 at 1:35 pm
softballfreak42 GOLD, Holmdel, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
-DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-A love story gone wrong. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a love story.
-Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.
-When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.

Wow that was long.... xD

it sounds like "our summer" though! well without doing the tango.... and the girl becomes depressed instead of the guy... yeah there are a lot xD xD

on Apr. 22 2011 at 1:03 pm
Here's what happens; they become best friends. And she loves him, and he loves her but neither one knows the other's feelings. And he teaches her to tango, and they sing and laugh and tease and live. And it's the best summer she's ever had. But he has a girlfriend, and the summer ends, and she's heartbroken. But then he realizes he loves her, dumps his girlfriend, and they're finally together. And everything is perfect. And sparks fly when they kiss. They're meant to be. But then she becomes stupid. And she misses another boy. So she leaves him. And he's heartbroken. And he changes for the worse. And months go by, and they barely speak. But then, they find eachother again, and despite the tension, they still both love eachother. And she's sorry. And he forgives her. But he's not the same. He's angry and cynical now. But she loves him. And she's getting him to become who he one was again. But then they make a mistake. And her parents find out. And they take away him and everything she ever loved. And she's angry. And she says hurtful things in her anger. And he's heartbroken. And she's lonely. But they see eachother in secret. And she believes it will work out. But he doesn't. And she knows it isn't working, but they promised eachother they'd never let go. But he does. He leaves her, just like she left him, and she's heartbroken. And he feels awful. And their friends don't know what to do. And she tries to at least be his friend. But he pushes her away. And then he humiliates her in anger. And they fight. Many times. And he turns their friends against her. And now she has nobody left. And despite everything, she misses him. She loves him. And deep down, he still loves her. But he refuses to apologize. Because someone's lying to him, and making it impossible for him to forgive her. And she's so alone and lost and accused. And they all believe she's a liar. So she writes stories. And she posts them here. But when she tried to write this story with a happier ending, she couldn't. So she stopped at the first chapter and destroyed it. And you wanted to know why. And so I told you.

on Dec. 8 2010 at 5:13 pm
softballfreak42 GOLD, Holmdel, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
-DARE TO BE DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-A love story gone wrong. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a love story.
-Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.
-When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.

Woah woah woah! Thats it??? What happens next? TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME!!! =D