The Darkest Kiss | Teen Ink

The Darkest Kiss

December 4, 2008
By Anonymous

My name is Madison Cross. well that is the name that I have been going by for a few years now. You see my life is not at all the luxury that some people seem to think that vamps have. We have to work just as hard as everybody else to get what we want. After all not all of us are business savvy. Not that I really care all that much about business anyways. to me it is all a bore. But of course there are times that it seems to be somewhat interesting. Or there happens to be somebody that interests me just a little bit.

His name is Gregory. Even though he is human he does seem very nice. Plus he understands me as I am. Not that I would really care anyways. But somehow he had managed to find out what I was. Of course the fact that I had never really tried to hide that is probably part of the reason. Still it feels as though he understands me.

The only problem is that I can hurt him but I try not to. A few weeks ago he managed to get me to go out with him. I shall openly admit that it was rather nice. It does not mean anything though because the only way that we could be together is if I were to give him the kiss of death. Truthfully I would rather have him alive than turn him into something that I do not like being myself. I promised myself that I would never put another person through the hell that I now call a life.

That was before I came back to my apartment to find that there was the strongest scent of blood. Feeling my incisors retracting I knew that there was either something wrong or he cut himself. Walking through the hall to where the scent was strongest I found that he had cut himself. The problem was that he seemed to have done it purposefully.
"Greg, what are you doing?" I asked him.

Distance that is what i needed right now. Lots and lots of distance. Maybe I should just move away. Dissapear again.

"I do believe that you know what I am doing." He answered.

"No." I said, more to myself than him.

"You are making this rather difficult." He said.

He got up off of the side of the tub that he had been sitting on and walked up beside me. The smell of his blood was all it took. Now I will say that my control is usually much better than this but sometimes blood just happens to call to you in a way that has no words to describe it. The one person that I would have liked to spare from this dark kiss and I was the one that ended up delivering it. Sometimes I think that it doesn't do any good to get up at all.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Apr. 25 2019 at 11:56 am
Hermione-Granger BRONZE, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 198 comments
This is amazingly written, great job, author-san!!! Also, I really wish you didn't post this anonymously because now I can't go and read everything else that you wrote. Wonderful job!!!!!

on May. 16 2010 at 6:03 pm
JocelynnTaylor GOLD, Templeton, Pennsylvania
10 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am a writer, and so I write.
I am a thinker, and so I think.
I am a human, and so I have human thoughts and feelings.

it is really well written,  i hope there is more to come! ^_^

Artem said...
on Dec. 26 2008 at 10:30 pm
That was really well written, and I really did enjoy it. It was quite dark, and just slightly confusing, but I think you did spectacularly! Keep up the great work, and don't ever let someones critisizim (I think I spelled that wrong...) get you down.