What Does It Take to Be Published in Teen Ink? | Teen Ink

What Does It Take to Be Published in Teen Ink? MAG

November 16, 2012
By AdrienneMPayne SILVER, Gainesville, Florida
AdrienneMPayne SILVER, Gainesville, Florida
9 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
I write because it silences the voices in my head.

What does it take to be published in your magazine? What makes an article publishable? We are always encouraged to write freely and individually, but where do you draw the line between individuality and a lack of something universal that constitutes “good” writing? Or is it truly a brave lack of structure and a strong sense of individualism that shows superb writing? What is it that you look for?

While I don't usually write to win contests or fit a standard, sometimes I wonder, where I should start. If I wanted to, what would it take to be a “good” writer? I'm sure there are others who wonder the same thing. Is writing skill innate, or can it be learned?

Editor's note: Good writing is a learned skill that anyone can acquire. The best way is to read as much good writing as you can, then practice, practice, practice. Have a teacher or friend read what you've written and give you feedback. Then revise. Work to develop your own voice, instead of copying the style of another.

There is no one “right” way to craft a good submission. We get thousands of submissions each year, so unfortunately we can't publish every one that we think has merit. But don't lose hope. You never know when your time will come!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 4 2014 at 5:54 pm
BandGeekAndProud PLATINUM, Burlington, Massachusetts
23 articles 0 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Albert Einstein

Haha, it's kind of ironic that this is the piece that got you published. Congrtulations, though! I know how you feel, it is frustrating.