July 17, 2024
By Oma-lakshi BRONZE, Moratuwa, Other
Oma-lakshi BRONZE, Moratuwa, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

    A new roll of action unlocked just by the burning fire-ball which switch between day and night. Solidified tears (what it seemed to be) gathered near the eye-ends blocking the view of ariel unicorns. gazing out the tall building of my room peeking down to the soft-laid tiles with half blured scenery. 

                        Got my arms stretched nor to get my lackadaisicalness out my mind but, to get ready to sleep for another few seconds of hours. Rolled up as a burrito just from hot pan; the fluffy texture which contacts the body as if its not being contacted made me get glued enough to the bed itself. Eyes open widely, hurting itself lifted hands and cleaned the pockets of the eyes. Rigid backbone and ready to start the engine of four pistons, bringing both my arms straight and above as if its to touch the -blue-gloomy sky but fresh in reality-, shoulders popped up and cracked few of the bones serving abundant relief in body. Formation of conscious mind starts here and got shooted to the place it follows and took out the imperfectness of the eye-sight away which made me think of the things i forgot in passed days.

Sun affected my sleep and now i don't want to think about it.

Got my device and crumbled back to the bed more deeper into the softness of the burrito, the hot and warm one this time...

The author's comments:

I am a student who follows the theory of '' time cannot be replayed or be edited', doing a kind of writing as above ''ONCE IN A EARLY MORNING'' could make me gain more knowledge on writing and to understand the world.


being a student, i wrote this piece of my 'morning senses'.

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This article has 3 comments.

Rehannah2341 said...
on Aug. 16 at 12:11 pm
Rehannah2341, Colombo, Other
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Umbrella can't stop the rain but can make us stand in the rain. Confidence may not bring success but give us power to face any challenge in life. Always have a unique character like salt, it's presence us not felt but it's absence makes everything tasteless.

Keep it up omesh
Always keep writing like this to entertain us in your writing. Loved it !🙏👍👏

on Aug. 7 at 2:39 am
Sheki122 BRONZE, Moratuwa, Other
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Try yourself and win.

Wow omesh. It's a piece of masterpiece. I recommend this as a best article that I have read . keep it up omesh. I wish all the best for your future bro😘💕❤️😀🙏

on Aug. 5 at 11:06 am
urname_mihini101 SILVER, Dehiwala, Other
8 articles 2 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Since I’m your inspiration, you need to be doing the best

- Aravinda Dahanayake -

Great work bro!!!
Really enjoyed your article.
You have a great way to go keep going until you get there you only need inspiration to achieve your dreams❤️✨