Drama's My Middle Name | Teen Ink

Drama's My Middle Name

October 11, 2009
By rueebee21 SILVER, El Paso, Texas
rueebee21 SILVER, El Paso, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Adapt and overcome" - Coach Massey

I can hear the piano playing
as my insides tear up
wanting to curl up into a ball and cry.
Knowing what I've just witnessed is tearing me,until I realize all i can do is run.
I ran and ran knowing...well more like hoping no one can ever find me.And have them look at me.I turn around to find,him THE CRAZY MAN!!!SOME ONE HELP!!HE'S GOT A GUN ON HAND!!!I thought as I had just stood there frozen looking at a killer,murder.I was so shocked by what's going on I can't move only think,look scared with this innocent face much less breath yeah Ruby really slick.
Time passes by and I finally began to back away very slowly."dam!" I whisper. Great Ruby you fell now that was very noticable. I fell on the stairs that lead up to unit B...UNIT B!! THAT'S IT!!! god did it really take you that long?Yes,yes it did I'm what you call mentally challanged.I thought while fighting with myself.I found myself running up the stairs swiftly with out falling,but not oh so quietly.What can i say I tried,right?

If he's capable of shooting a gun to scare the living hell out of me imagine what else he can do?!
I finally found a hidden hiding place under the stair case some where.While I'M there I pray that he won't hurt me. As I'm here might as well say my goodbyes while I'm at it.Then I guess I'll repent as far as my memory will allow me to go.Remembering all the good times I had with my family and vince.
Oh man boy am I going to miss out.
Time passes with my teeth chattering like crazy! "ruby" I heard almost like vince...Hmmm... VINCE!!!!!!!!!!!! "Vince?" what?" "Ruby don't worry I'm here" He said grabbing me and holding me close and so tight that I can't even breath,but his touch some how calms my nerves.ruby!breath! Don't forget to breath! Once he let go we ran jumping through fences,but each time I looked back that crazy dude was there.Well until the El Paso police caught him,well more like shot then tackle him down and make him face the consequences. The worst is over atleast,right?
"Boy ruby you always find a way to make everything so dramatic.But that's why you love me!" I say with that flirty smile I love to do when ever he's around and tease him while I'm at it. Everything back to normal well til ferther notice.

The author's comments:
It's kinda like a love story
but in my version,drama version
hope you like it
comment rate etc...and I'll return the favor!

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jul. 24 2010 at 9:13 pm
SarClark BRONZE, NC, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 534 comments
I agree with supernova, but other wise nicely done. 

on May. 13 2010 at 5:20 pm
Zithia PLATINUM, Cambridge, Massachusetts
27 articles 16 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It makes no difference who or what you are, old or young, black or white, pagan, Jew, or Christian, I want to love you all and be loved by you all, and I mean to have your love." -Victoria Woodhull

Wow! I really love this.  It is very relatable!

on May. 3 2010 at 6:01 pm
Supernova7 GOLD, Redford, Texas
16 articles 6 photos 394 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let me cry my tears let me live in sorrow as long as you promise to be with me tomorrow
By Me:)

I like how the story gets you caught up in all the drama:) there were a few grammar paoblems but it was a good story:)