The Turkey Rod Run | Teen Ink

The Turkey Rod Run

December 17, 2011
By fictitious-quandary GOLD, Orlando, Florida
fictitious-quandary GOLD, Orlando, Florida
18 articles 5 photos 83 comments

Favorite Quote:
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right"
- Henry Ford

Roaring cars zoom around the Daytona speedway with several spectators watching in awe but this is no race this is the Turkey Rod Run one of the largest car shows in America. Held annually on Thanksgiving weekend, the Turkey Rod run offers something for all muscle car fanatics. The Turkey rod run is the supreme car show with a swap meet encompassing half of the large speedway and an amazing car show and car corral on the other side of the large speedway. The car corral has a spectacular amount of old vehicles for sale. The swap meet is so large that any collector is sure to find at least something to add to their collection whether it is a new ride, new tires or some signs to place around the garage every enthusiast can go in expecting to find something. Not to mention the beautiful cars that are displayed in the show.

The car corral at the Turkey rod run is one of the largest in the nation with thousands of cars priced to sell. Some car owners expect too much but there are sure to be deals to be made. Some intriguing cars are sold and some risky collectors even buy cars early into the show and try to sell them higher in the following days, risking losing all of their investment into these cars. The greatest deals come in the last hours with hours to spare people swarm like vultures in order to pick up the loose ends, cars which have not yet been sold are sold for lower than book value and some lucky enthusiasts are able to go home in their dream cars riding away in pristine blue Mustang Cobras and older Camaros.

The swap meet is equally exciting in the Turkey Rod run. Vendors line the streets beyond what the eye can see and as you walk down the endless isles of parts you will be sure to find the deal of a lifetime. Walking down the short, wet grass and hot pavement I looked to find my jewel in all of the continued tents of car parts, apparel, and antique automotive memorabilia. Searching I finally find what I am looking for the chrome exhaust pipes off of a 1978 Trans Am, the pipes hung off an old jack unwisely presented for such a rare and expensive piece. When I asked the price on the amazing exhaust tips that normally sell for over one hundred dollars, I was amazed to see what a low price they were only twenty five dollars this was a great deal. My grin continued to grow as I walked down the isles finding everything I needed for my car all in one place. Swap meets are a great way to get parts because the prices are low, the parts are great and shipping is not an issue, however, normally swap meets are too small and they have minimal parts for sale, which is what makes the Turkey Rod Run so amazing.

The Turkey Rod Run features several rare and beautiful cars that deserve to be celebrated. Spectators and owners have a great time discussing their cars especially if owners find other spectators who own the same or similar vehicles. Along with seeing some great cars you will be sure to meet some great people and learn a few things about automobiles.

The Turkey Rod Run is one of the largest events in the Daytona speedway and offers a unique car show experience. The car corral has some cars that will be sure to brighten the day of all potential buyers who are interested in claiming their stake in history. The swap meet also will have deals of a life time. The only real problem I found with the Turkey Rod Run is that I spent way to much money, however, I did find everything I needed for less than half of the their normal prices. If you walk into the large speedway gates with money or something to sell you will be sure to go home with a smile and probably a load of goodies.

The author's comments:
This was written for my college english class for extra credit I just wanted to post it to encourage other youth to participate in this wonderful pastime.

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