The Ghaeltacht | Teen Ink

The Ghaeltacht

April 1, 2008
By Anonymous

My name is Niamh and for the past four years every summer for three weeks I have attended the Gaeltacht. I understand that this is an American site, so i shall elaborate. The Ghaeltacht is a residential course which young students can attend to learn more about their native tongue. You stay with a group of other teenagers (same sex for obvious reasons) in a house with a fluent irish speaking family. During the day you attend the colaiste (college) with about 200-300 othe students from all over Ireland. All the while speaking completely in Irish (well to the best of your ability). I am very passionate about my language and heritage and I feel it is a real same that so many whom live in Ireland will never no their native language and so I fully support these courses, to try and revive a lost language. Plus it is a fantastic way to meet buachali (boys!)I have made some amazing friends through the gaeltacht and i hope to carry these friendships and glorious memories for the rest of my life. Go raibh mile maith agat (thanks very much). I hope someday true Irish culture will thrive again and we will be known for our music, poetry and language rather than our drink and leprachauns. P.S. we arent all ginger or speak like Colin Farell

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on Aug. 26 2011 at 1:05 pm
StuieWLG SILVER, Dublin, Other
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'I did not attend the funeral but i approved of it'-Mark Twain
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Tá an aiste seo iontach deas, ach tá cúpla pointe gramadach agam. Is é Ghaelteacht tar eis an focal AN ach sin é. Tar eis aon focal eile is é GAELTEACHT. Agus is é BUACHAILLI. Ach iontach mhaith. Maith thú :)