It's Killing Me | Teen Ink

It's Killing Me

September 3, 2011
By BrokenTogether GOLD, Saraland, Alabama
BrokenTogether GOLD, Saraland, Alabama
10 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love...and be loved in return..." -Christian, Moulin Rouge


"I wasn’t born into a post-apocalyptic era, but I was too young to remember any life before the forsaken desert I grew up in. It was a place of miserable, eternal drought, where all the terrain was dust and the people who lived around me did nothing but talk and dream about the coast." Celia Swann skipped town a week after her mother died, with only one goal in mind: reaching the east coast. During her journey, though, she meets a boy named Daniel who changes everything. Her dreams are quickly forgotten as the race to the coast becomes a race for her life. As her and Daniel attempt to evade the mysterious Suited Men, Celia suddenly starts to question the one thing she was ever certain about: Will she ever reach the coast?

Marissa L.

It's Killing Me

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This book has 10 comments.

on Mar. 21 2013 at 6:25 pm
CurlyGirl17 SILVER, Corydon, Indiana
6 articles 0 photos 95 comments
Wow, I really enjoyed this! You're a great storyteller, and your characters really come alive! I would really appreciate it if you checked out the first chapter of my story, Metalligirl, and left a comment or some advice. You do a great job! :)

on Nov. 7 2011 at 5:04 pm
BrokenTogether GOLD, Saraland, Alabama
10 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love...and be loved in return..." -Christian, Moulin Rouge

Thank you :)

on Nov. 6 2011 at 9:50 pm
milforce SILVER, Bloomington, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 135 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Those who have the ability to act, have the responsibility to act."

This is really great! It's a very unique story and I love Celia's determination. You write really well and I'm a little bit jealous of your skill. Great job!

on Oct. 7 2011 at 9:26 am
BrokenTogether GOLD, Saraland, Alabama
10 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love...and be loved in return..." -Christian, Moulin Rouge

Thank you so much..I'm reading yours right now!

on Oct. 7 2011 at 9:26 am
BrokenTogether GOLD, Saraland, Alabama
10 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love...and be loved in return..." -Christian, Moulin Rouge

Thank You! :D

on Oct. 6 2011 at 7:03 pm
Kvothe28 SILVER, Temecula, California
5 articles 0 photos 78 comments

Favorite Quote:
Excuse me while I prepare my impromptu remarks. -Winston Churchill

Tell it like it is, not how it was. -Jonathan

Break it down like a fine English double-gun. -R. Bitoni

Oh man. This is defenietly in my top three novels on Teenink. I loved your voice in the beginning of the story. Awesome, and I can't wait for more.

on Oct. 6 2011 at 10:16 am
SpringAhead GOLD, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
12 articles 0 photos 99 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't call me crazy, it drives me nuts!"


I absolutely LOVE this!!! When I asnwered your forum on teenink I had no idea what to expect. I mean I usually don't go for the apocalyptic stuff, but this is by far one of the best novels I have ever read on teenink. I can't wait until you post more! Keep up the amazing work! :D 

on Sep. 8 2011 at 10:18 am
Garnet77 PLATINUM, Sinagpore, Other
31 articles 6 photos 577 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything's a triangle." ~ My mother

"Write what you love, write what you care about, because sometimes, it's the easiest way to be heard."

You're welcome! I just came across this piece by random and it immediately caught my attention. :)

on Sep. 8 2011 at 9:39 am
BrokenTogether GOLD, Saraland, Alabama
10 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love...and be loved in return..." -Christian, Moulin Rouge

Thank you so muchh for the elaborate feed-back..I'm glad you enjoyed it. The next chapter is coming...slowly, I admit, but I'll post it as soon as it's finished..and again, thank you!

on Sep. 8 2011 at 3:33 am
Garnet77 PLATINUM, Sinagpore, Other
31 articles 6 photos 577 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything's a triangle." ~ My mother

"Write what you love, write what you care about, because sometimes, it's the easiest way to be heard."

This is definitely one of my favorite novels here on teenink. I mean, I know it's not finished, but I love what you have going here. The writing is excellent. I was confused when I first started reading this, but your words sucked me into the story almost immediately after that. It kind of feels very empty when I read it, and when I say empty, I don't mean it's missing something. I mean that you've managed to make me feel as if I'm in the story itself, and there aren't a lot of people or things to begin with. The way you structure the entire thing flows very well, so I'm never lost even though you go back and forth between the character's past memories and her present ones. And that ending! I really would love it if you posted the next chapter soon. I'm intrigued by the story, the creatures and the world you've created. Well done. :)