life sucks, then you die | Teen Ink

life sucks, then you die

December 14, 2010
By marzapan PLATINUM, westchester, Pennsylvania
marzapan PLATINUM, Westchester, Pennsylvania
48 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
"do not lead me unto temptation, i can find the way my self" rita brown
"die fish Hitler die" jake: homestuck
"My only friend growing up was a yak." -Russia (Hetalia)
"Pants are your first priority." -My friend


When Jacky and Jake died, they become angels and go to heaven. they train hard, Jacky as a gardian angel, and Jake, as a warior. they are told that they have to protect Sky Kenburry, a young girl with the power to write poems that are profeses. if Sky's poems are taken ito the wrong hands, or she is killed, the world could be injepordy.

Tags: Friends


life sucks, then you die

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