Hello There | Teen Ink

Hello There

July 15, 2015
By OptomisticFantasies, Bellingham, Massachusetts
OptomisticFantasies, Bellingham, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Not all who wander are lost."
"Some people are like candles, they burn themselves out to give others light."
"Everyone else saw the world in Black and White, but all she ever saw was Grey."
I have a top three, I couldn't pick just one.


Even A simple hello, can lead to more than just one scenario.

Alora Casters, the girl with ambitions. She's all talk, no action. Given all due respect...she is the nerd anyways, right?

Oh right, don't judge a book by its cover. Silly me. Well maybe you should have reminded that girl about it before she had to go and turn my world upside down.

Better yet, you should have told her never to say hello to Clark Briars, because now I'm even too ashamed to admit that I hold that name as my title.

A simple hello, became my worst nightmare.

Sarah M.

Hello There

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