Halfway Unbreakable | Teen Ink

Halfway Unbreakable

December 23, 2010
By SamanthaDawn511, Bend, Oregon
SamanthaDawn511, Bend, Oregon
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are far more powerful than we have ever dreamed."


Enter Aspen Gregory. At a glance, she's nothing more than a girl with stick straight brown hair and glasses. But within thirty seconds after introducing herself, she'll mention that she was diagnosed with leukemia. Instantly, people see her in a different light and then, after they've spent time with her, they realize that she could be the most invincible girl they know.

Funny, though-- things are not always what they seem.

The pages of Aspen's diary hold her deepest secret-- she's not sick, she doesn't have a disease; she's perfectly healthy. And she knows the only thing about her that is the slightest bit unbreakable is her enormous lie about who she is. Often, Aspen is left home alone because her younger sister has leukemia and has been carted around to different hospitals in the country. She's feigned a few sick days by calling in and skipped classes because of her supposed 'disease'. No one has ever found out.

Her junior year of high school poses a threat to her perfect facade. The boy that she's been in love with for over three years is in love with her best friend. Aspen is sure that the only reason is because he's afraid of breaking her. Her time is spent trying to write a perfect love letter, one that will tell him about her gigantic lie that she's spun. And somehow, she still can't find the words...

Aspen isn't unbreakable. She's only halfway so.


Halfway Unbreakable

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This book has 1 comment.

on Apr. 15 2019 at 3:52 pm
EtherTwelveTwentySeven, Lake Stevens, Washington
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
She's a thunderstorm
wrapped in beautiful
flesh, looking to be
felt and understood
in a world that loves
sunny days

I love how this story stayed on sort of the same track the whole time, it was really a sweet story.