When the Dust Settles | Teen Ink

When the Dust Settles MAG

By Anonymous

Of the money, by the money,for the money.
But what of the sick and homeless of this place?
Thesenotes are legal tender,
For all debts, public and private.
For thisfreedom, and those willing to buy it.

Give me your tired, poor, huddledmasses
Perhaps I should wear glasses.
It looks like they're already here,
And living in fear

Of being deported,
Or having the truthdistorted.

Oh say, can you see,
Over the hills and through the trees,
A sight you have never seen before?
Can you see the truth now,
Nowthat two towering buildings
Obstruct your view no more?

Could it be
That American foreign policy
Will result in our demise?
Let us bequick, then,
In wiping the tears from our eyes.
And let us record thatmoment in our minds
So we may remember these human crimes
And vow neveragain to see these times.

Darken their lives
And their hearts andminds will follow.
Proclaiming to help means nothing
When our efforts arehollow.

If money it makes,
We'll do whatever it takes

To reachthe highest stakes.
For our hearts no longer ache.

Oh, say does thatstar-spangled banner yet wave
Majestically triumphant atop Planet Earth'sgrave?
Things become clearer and clearer.
If we're looking for the biggestrogue state
We have no further to look than in the mirror.

300 millionindex fingers pointed abroad
When we're the ones to blame
All the money,all the guns,
It's time to start helping someone.
Our efforts have beenin vain, and that's a shame.

Their attacks darken our nation.
Theycall it revenge.
We call it terrorism.
Our attacks darken theirnation.
We call it liberation,
They be damned who call it terrorism.
After all, we're there to help,
But death is death.
Innocent livesare innocent lives.
None deserves to be taken;
Theirs or Ours.

Terrorism is ugly.
Evil acts are evil;
No matter who commitsthem;
US or them.

In the land that is synonymous with freedom,
Some have yet to see it.
July 4, 1808: What have slaves to celebrate
If nothing more than hate?
Anything can be bought for a price,
Whenfreedom's fine
But money's really nice.

Like Dr. King, I too have adream
That some day we'll all play for the same team.
Each of us with adifferent mind
Each with a different face.
I dream that no one shall beleft behind
In the only human race.

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

on Feb. 7 2011 at 7:28 am
emoducks BRONZE, Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 30 comments

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"Life will only be amazing if you make it that way."
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This was really great. I loved it! :)