United America | Teen Ink

United America

November 7, 2012
By fictitious-quandary GOLD, Orlando, Florida
fictitious-quandary GOLD, Orlando, Florida
18 articles 5 photos 83 comments

Favorite Quote:
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right"
- Henry Ford

As an independent voter, I believe that people who are voted into power should embody what America stands for: Liberty, Equality, and Democracy. Whoever is the person most apt to provide America with continued growth is the candidate I think should win. As the election ends, and the polls close my only thought is that America is in a downward spiral. In the election the only care was the lesser of two evils. The campaigns focused on the negatives as a way of disenfranchising the American people and creating a cloak over the judgment of the American people. When will this two-party system cease to cause division among Americans?

American leaders seek to use mudslinging as a tactic to cause the lack of political efficacy and in-turn causes voters to feel that both candidates are evil. Based upon the campaigns- presidential and otherwise- the men and women who seek to fill these seats are nothing but crooks. I do not believe everyone who ran for office is evil; why is it that both parties insistently try to lead me to believe so? What we need as a country is someone who embodies the American people and seeks to truly unify us. Electing an African American president has done nothing to end our past racist endeavors and some will continue to suppress republicans as merely racists despite their ties to the freeing of the slaves after the civil war. Our two-party system allows for Americans to have these radical views that the other half of the nation is wrong. Why is it that Republicans try so hard to bash the views of Democrats and vice versa? This is something that has to end.

We wonder why American students are facing bullying problems like never before but the answers are right in front of us we look upon people of power who strive to use their own bullying techniques. Mothers and fathers look to prove at all costs that their opinions are right and those who do not conform to their beliefs are stupid for doing so. When will this hatred end?

I just hope that one day America can restore itself to former glory while also envisioning today’s ideals and encompassing the mass of men. Acceptance of everyone is key, we need to stop the hatred in politics and elsewhere and ensure a truly united nation. The United States of America will be united.

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