Michael Jackson the King of Pop. | Teen Ink

Michael Jackson the King of Pop.

September 26, 2009
By Lonesoldier GOLD, Winona Lake, Indiana
Lonesoldier GOLD, Winona Lake, Indiana
15 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tough girls come from NY. Sweet girls come from Louisiana. Prissy girls come from California. BUT INDIANA GIRLS have fire and ice in our blood. We can ride dirt bikes, be a princess, throw left hooks, pack heat, bake a cake, change a flat, hang a light and if we have an opinon, you're......going to hear it!!"

MIchael Jackson was a great guy but had a few problems in his life. But to me he was a hero and I hope everyone will realize what a great guy he was. And how generous he was. He made many donations for good causes. And I believe that all the accustions that have been made about him "touching kids sexually" are just fake. He would never do such a thing. And the reason some people said this was because he was just a little kid deep inside. The reason for that is his childhood ended when he was at a very young age.

The author's comments:
People at my school have been accusing Michael of these things.

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This article has 11 comments.

Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Jul. 30 2021 at 3:28 pm
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.

This article was written a long time ago. Now we are pretty sure that those rumors are absolutely true. Sorry.

on Mar. 22 2011 at 2:55 pm
amalie PLATINUM, Binghamton, New York
43 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stop existing and stop living"- Michael Jackson ("Heal the World")

also, if you believe these lies about sexual molestation, listen to his song Childhood off HIStory. He claims it's the most autobiographical song he wrote and i fully agree:)

on Mar. 22 2011 at 2:53 pm
amalie PLATINUM, Binghamton, New York
43 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stop existing and stop living"- Michael Jackson ("Heal the World")

SOOOO EXCITED TO SEE THIS ARTICLE!! i couldn't agree more. He was an amazing man who so many people misunderstood or disrespected. I have every single album and song ever released. The compassion he had for humanity was incredible. If only we all good be like him <3 "stop existing and start living"!!!:))

on Jun. 9 2010 at 11:14 pm
Michael was a great inspiration to me. He always cared about the world and he children.I hate when people start picking on him because of his disease.

babygirl said...
on Feb. 10 2010 at 1:32 pm
i love michael jackson he is the best guy that ever walked this earth this article is ssooo true great job!!!!:)

on Nov. 2 2009 at 7:31 pm
Loveeyouu_x3 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
4 articles 0 photos 19 comments
michaell is the greatest singer i know, and i cant believe people appreciate him more dead than alive. thats just realllyyy messsedd uppp

on Oct. 29 2009 at 1:29 pm
i used to say stuff like that, but i didnt know who he was. i think those rumors bout him are fake. im a fan. i agree with u.thanks for writing it.

on Oct. 20 2009 at 7:22 pm
writingrox BRONZE, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." (Albus Dumbledore)

In one of Michael Jackson's songs, Tabloid Junkie, he says, "Just 'cause you read it in a magizine or see it on the TV screen don't make it factual." It's the truth. Michael Jackson was a good man with a good heart that the media couldn't see.

on Oct. 13 2009 at 4:17 pm
I really agree with you on michael jackon's life. I also didn't think that is was fair that the press just put his name out to the world and told the world that he was a child molester. You were very descriptive.

on Oct. 4 2009 at 4:12 pm
Lonesoldier GOLD, Winona Lake, Indiana
15 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tough girls come from NY. Sweet girls come from Louisiana. Prissy girls come from California. BUT INDIANA GIRLS have fire and ice in our blood. We can ride dirt bikes, be a princess, throw left hooks, pack heat, bake a cake, change a flat, hang a light and if we have an opinon, you're......going to hear it!!"

Thanks for that comment. It feels good that there are other people out there in the world who agree with about this whole Michael Jackson business

Sunshineyday said...
on Oct. 2 2009 at 3:01 pm
I agree with you. Don't listen to the kids at school. Fortunately at my school, alot of kids are fans. There's no use arguing with people like this, they are going to be like that no matter what you say, but hey, they're just dumb kids! They're only saying what they say cause many in this generation find it fashionable to disrespect him and make jokes. BUt don't worry, people like me and my classmate and others around the world can see clearly.