Borderline of Nowhere | Teen Ink

Borderline of Nowhere

April 6, 2009
By Praefiscine SILVER, Snohomish, Washington
Praefiscine SILVER, Snohomish, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
“A grownup is a child with layers on.”
-Woody Harrelson

Subtle candlelight blows out

Stormy winds all lashing out

Still, I see it shining brightly

A tiny heartbeat pulsing lightly

And I wonder how it’s glowing

Such a driven little thing

Pitter-patter on my window

Flutter of a paper wing

A bit naïve and blind again

Like love hidden inside

Wouldn’t be more trouble

Letting in a firefly

Brush a hand against my face

And whisper with such an embrace,

‘Do you ever think of me

As I count all the stars

That are now twinkling in your sky?

Though I really can’t say why…’

I felt like you were with me

When the lights on in our city

Left the blurred view in my mirror

While the moon grew even clearer

And for once

I really wished that it would rain

The author's comments:
This poem is something I wrote to explore using different rhyming patterns in a peice. It was difficult, and I still have trouble with the fact that it doesn't flow well. But as for the meaning, well, I'm going to let you decide that for yourself. ;)

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