Comparison Of Love | Teen Ink

Comparison Of Love

May 27, 2009
By BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
14 articles 4 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:

Lisa Left-eye Lopes

I compare love to fruit!
You know how you taste the sweetness in strawberries?
you taste the sourness in lemons.
you taste the bitterness in apples.
you taste the luciousness in cherries,
and you taste something that doesn't quite have a taste in grapes.
Think of love that way.

You can compare love to the sweets you eat!
like the relaxing feeling of chocolate.
the heavenly taste of bananas split,
whipped with rich whip cream.
It's like a dream.
The best dream you can possibly have.
Think of love that way.

Love is such a great feeling.
Especially in the beginning.
Love is great to experience.
It's Like a fairy tale.
it seems so unreal.
Love just feels so good.
The right man that can make a you feel good.
The way a woman should.

The right man can show you things you've never seen before.
The right man can teach you things you've never experienced.
The right man can make you feel what you've never felt before.
Love can be so strong.
It's like nothing can go wrong.

The author's comments:
i wrote this because love can be compared to things. like one minute love is sweet and relaxing and something everybody will enjoy. but love can also come with deception and it becomes a problem when someone is bitter and angry all the time. Lemon represents the bad times and Strawberries represents the good times.

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