My Way | Teen Ink

My Way

June 24, 2009
By BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
BubbiG GOLD, Columbia, Maryland
14 articles 4 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:

Lisa Left-eye Lopes

My Way

There's always A situation where I'm being judged.
But I don't think I should let It bother me that much.

At the end of the day.
I live my life my way.

People say that I'm heartless.
I say I'm just too strong and don't settle for second best.

At the end of the day.
I live my life my way.

People say my heart is like gold.
people say that I'm cold.

I say I have to disagree.
I'm just being me.

At the end of the day.
I live my life my way.

I can't be what everybody wants me to be.
I'm just one person and I have big dreams.

I'm not what you plan for me to be.
I have my own personality.

At the end of the Day.
I live my life my Way.

Please respect me and love me for me!
don't be disappointed or ashamed of me!

All I ask for is for you to except me!
Except the fact that I'm gonna be what I wanna be!

Simply because at the end of the day.
I live my life my way!

The author's comments:
I don't like being judged. I believe that everybody has their own personality and I believe people should be excepted for who they are.

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