heartbreak show | Teen Ink

heartbreak show

August 4, 2009
By lizzybaby SILVER, Cumberland, Rhode Island
lizzybaby SILVER, Cumberland, Rhode Island
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Heart break show.
I got a front row ticket to the heart break show
There’s 3 actes up and they're ready to go
The lights dim down and the curtain opens wide
The spot light shows all the terror inside

The cast includes a boy and a girl
A mother a friend and a mixed up world.
The couples together in a darkened place
The mother is there, invading their space
The boy is annoyed but loves her too much
To let what they have even slightly be touched.

The crowd aww’s everyone but me
It seems a little off, but only I can see.
The crowd shuts up, a new scene starts,
Only the beginning of a breaking heart.

The couple is there both upset
Its getting hard but they wont quit yet
Shes in it to the end and he says he is too
But she doesn’t know if that’s really true…

The crowd is close to tears, but im already crying
I know what will happen, theres no point in trying.
Ill stay for the rest, to see if it’s the same
But im sure I’ve lived this and I’ve played this game.

The final scene starts and the girl starts to cry,
She looks like a wreck and just wants to die.
Hes walking away , his feelings are gone
Shes hoping he realized that he was wrong

The crowd starts to cry but I sop right away
It hurts, it does, but its not here to stay.
I feel for the girl, I know how it is,
And I know for a fact that she will survive this.

If you didn’t have me

Cant get this through my mind,
It just doesn’t seem real,
Everyone keeps saying,
That my heart will slowly heal.

But I don’t think so ,
The cut is just too deep,
You didn’t keep he promises,
You said that you would keep

I didn’t see this coming,
Thought we were going strong,
I guess I was too blind to see,
That I was oh so wrong.

What hurts the most’,
Is not that it was such a sudden fall,
Its that you didn’t even try,
To fix anything at all.

Did it even hurt you?
To know it hurt me?
I wasn’t expecting,
How calm about it you’ be.

How long had you been lying?
When you said I’d never lose you?
At some point you must have realized
What you were saying wasn’t true.

I keep trying to figure out why
It just doesn’t seem clear,
How can all your feelings for me,
Just completely dissapear?

I know there were restrictions,
More then there should have been,
But you’ve known from the beginning,
And you didn’t mind then.

I should have known,
You’d eventually see,
It would be better for you,
If you didn’t have me.

The author's comments:
I wrote his after a really bad breakup.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 1 2010 at 5:48 pm
Egyptiangirl13 GOLD, Kansas City, Missouri
14 articles 0 photos 498 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. -Benjamin Franklin

\"If columbus would have turned back, no one would have blamed him. No one would have remembered him either.\"

\"If music be the food of love, play on.\"

wow!!! these both are super fantastic!!! i think i do like the first one better though!! one of my favs. i read on the site actually-i love how you wrote it and made it the "show"-that's so creative!!! really great job!!:) please check out some of my work when you get the chance!!:)