Forbidden | Teen Ink


December 1, 2009
By Heart SILVER, Arcadia, California
Heart SILVER, Arcadia, California
9 articles 0 photos 58 comments

You can see her face radiating only warmth, gentleness, and love for him.
He was her summer; the only bright thing in her world.
He brings her happiness and gives her life.
In his hands he holds her sanity and her delicate hope.
With him, she is her complete self, all walls torn down.
He knew her soul and he loved her with his.
He made a promise to never let her go, only if she wants him to leave.
He swore he would never break this promise.
One Sunday morning, she waited for him to show up.
For hours and hours she waited in the café, refusing to cry and give up hope.
But when they closed, she was forced to leave with a broken heart.
Days passed and he never showed or returned her calls.
Maybe he died, maybe he didn’t want to see her again, or maybe he never loved her.
She decided to go for her last walk; she already finished her suicide notes.
She left the front door with a thin jacket, preparing to feel the cold that would numb her.
She walked, umbrella in hand, down her house steps and onto the sidewalk.
She felt empty, miserable, and raw.
She had but a single thought in her morbid mind: nobody loved her.
But then she saw him.
He was heading her direction
She saw his face; it was cut up, bruised, but still radiating love for her.
“What happened?”
“My dad.”
“Why would he?!”
He pulled out a diamond ring and said, “Marry me.”

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This article has 4 comments.

on Jan. 10 2010 at 7:56 pm
writerscramp PLATINUM, Green Bay, Wisconsin
33 articles 0 photos 130 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anyone who says winning isn't everything,
Has won nothing.
``Mia Hamm

hmm.. well i told u about a circumstance under helping hand but maybe i was over reading...

Heart SILVER said...
on Jan. 6 2010 at 10:20 pm
Heart SILVER, Arcadia, California
9 articles 0 photos 58 comments
Writerscramp! I think you were first friend on Teen Ink :)

Nothing inspired me to write this...I mean, nothing that I am aware of.

on Jan. 4 2010 at 9:13 pm
writerscramp PLATINUM, Green Bay, Wisconsin
33 articles 0 photos 130 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anyone who says winning isn't everything,
Has won nothing.
``Mia Hamm

Hm... this sounds familiar. what was your inspiration? i love it. i went through something quite like this, adn he settled for a promise ring. you had the guts to write it when i wasn't able ot because the words wouldn't come.


Heart SILVER said...
on Dec. 27 2009 at 2:19 am
Heart SILVER, Arcadia, California
9 articles 0 photos 58 comments
Wish I could erase this article!!! Bad idea posting it :(