The Difference | Teen Ink

The Difference

November 15, 2010
By CelticThundeGurl SILVER, Benson, North Carolina
CelticThundeGurl SILVER, Benson, North Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 130 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is time for us to realize that we are too great a nation to limit ourselves to small dreams."

- Pres. Ronald Reagan

What does it feel like to gallop through the woods?
What does it feel like to live in a tree?
What does it feel like to run free?
What does it feel like to never suffer criticism?
What does it feel like to never cry?
What does it feel like to never be mocked?
What does it feel like to just live and die?
We are alike in so many ways.
We both live, we both love, we both die.
Your life has no words. No drama. No tears.
Yet, you speak, you mourn, and you fear.
My life is filled with words, that so often mean nothing.
I witness pointless drama year after year.
I cannot count the tears I've shed.
We suffer, the both of us.
Yet we are so different.
Both of our lives can end in a moment.
Your life will be forgotten.
If I'm not careful, so will mine.
You experience all I do, but you miss the greatest experience I have.
When you die, you are gone.
When I die, I'm just heading home.

The author's comments:
Some people act like humans are the exact same as animals, and that their lives mean no more than a animal's. I believe that's wrong. There are likenesses, but there's a huge difference between a baby and an animal....people are members of P.E.T.A., which I have nothing against, but then they are pro-choice. There's something wrong with that....big time.....

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