Deadly Silence | Teen Ink

Deadly Silence

April 30, 2011
By Destiny2Isa GOLD, Lansing, Illinois
Destiny2Isa GOLD, Lansing, Illinois
12 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's just whateva
See what had happened was...
I'm just saying...
So you mad?
How much wood. (stops) " I don't give a crap!"

The words you say, come sharp and clear,
cursing and bruising me without fear.
I keep my eyes on the target slowly moving in.
Never knowing my secret plan.
I hush my thoughts and clear my head.
Frown at your presents, and smile after you left.
This hate isn't easy. You made a challenge for me,
keeping my cool so you wouldn't see.
I trapped you into my spider web,
you thinking it was a blanket instead.
As you laugh and fall for my angelic charm,
My silent poison enters you without harm.
Silence rolls in as you think of what to do next,
a lowering of eyes with the closeness of our heads.
A single kiss, lingers as you see what I have done.
Making the mighty fall as if you weighed a ton.
He closes his eyes and tears come to.
After his quite "I love you"
My poison is there,
I've hit his heart.
My deadly silence did its part.
Funny how the line is easy to cross.
Never knowing he broke my heart.
So as he looks into my eyes,
my deadly silence begins to die.
And a smile overcomes my face.
And love replaces the hate.
It goes to show what poison does,
you can get it to... even if you wear gloves... Stupid poison of love.

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