Even Though | Teen Ink

Even Though

June 4, 2013
By angel_of_silence PLATINUM, Cotulla, Texas
angel_of_silence PLATINUM, Cotulla, Texas
24 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The boy never cried again, and he never forgot what he'd learned: that to love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed.” -Jace Wayland City of Bones

Even though you didnt pull the trigger,
push them off them bridge,
pull the rope,
or pull the razor across their skin
technically you did

your words caused that
your words caused them to feel like that
like they were worth nothing
like they didnt deserve to live
and then they didnt want to

you pushed them to that limit
your words cut through them
just like that razor did
your words and thoughts
pushed them off the bridge

you say they could've gotten help
but think about that for a sec
would you have wanted to
would you want everyone to know
that you wanted to leave and never come back

I wouldn't want to
and I didn't tell anyone
why would I want to
just so they can talk
like everybody else does

besides when you're pushed to that point
to where you want to leave forever
you don't think you deserve it
you feel like you're not worth
the other persons time

you think to yourself
"how can they do that?"
your words made them do that
they didnt want to
but you made them

Even though you didnt pull the trigger,
push them off them bridge,
pull the rope,
or pull the razor across their skin
technically you did

The author's comments:
this goes out to all the people who think that suicide is a one man job, its not, there were other people involved to.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 26 2013 at 4:25 pm
artist-today SILVER, Alberta, Other
6 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't argue with an idiot they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."
-Mark Twain

Lots of voice and meaning I loved it, It was true to the heart at how people act and fell. Would they have helped? Give the time of day?As I said before I loved it. 

on Jun. 14 2013 at 9:56 pm
Fallen_ PLATINUM, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
25 articles 3 photos 433 comments

Favorite Quote:
" a shattered world is only an opening into a new beginning with laughs, smiles, and love all around enter the world of the light and away from the broken darkness"

I have to agree with your work. It seems it allstarts with a single word and you displayed your message flawlessly so good job and i can't wait to read more from you. 5/5 stars for a great job.