Live My Life | Teen Ink

Live My Life

November 12, 2008
By amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
amanda727 PLATINUM, Salt Lake City, Utah
33 articles 2 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't let anybody tell you who you are; don't let anyone tell you that you don't deserve what you're willing to work for.
Never give up; you\'ll never know how far you could go until you try to get to where you want to go.

Standing on the beach
sand whispering in between toes
I'm thinking about my future
what to do before it's time to go

I realize it's my time now
stop thinking, start living my life
never waste a second
when I could've done something right

I'm gonna' go to China
see that Great Wall
I'll pack my bags and go to Rome
see Colosseum and all

I'm going to be a writer
best-selling author in the entire world
I'll become a singer and share my music
win a Grammy for my role in "All American Girls"

And I will love
so strong, nothing could make it break
wait by the phone, just to hear his voice
it'll be almost more than I can take

I'll love and then lose
I'll make mistakes, then get it right
live with no regrets, live for today
no more crying tonight

I'll catch Tinkerbell
learn the secrets of her magic
I will do everything with all my heart
do everything with a hundred percent passion

The author's comments:
Live your life-I can't stress how many times I think about this...someone said, "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than be loved for who I am not." That is so smart.. live your life to the best of your ability, and never let anyone get in your way.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 17 2008 at 9:20 pm
your poem feels how i feel right now. wanting an escape, wanting to do everything and not regret, not look back. kudos-you're really talented :)