A love letter | Teen Ink

A love letter

December 3, 2008
By Shandalee GOLD, Sunset, Utah
Shandalee GOLD, Sunset, Utah
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am me. I'm not you. I'm not anyone else. I am me. Reguardless of what you say or how you try to change me; I am me. Don't expect me to convert to your ideal image of what i should be. I am me.

-Shanda Allen-

It doth not seem fair that time alone does not stop when we are together. I believe we should have total control over the clocks hands and hold them forever in one place, so that we may not have to depart so soon as we must at times. For I believe our love is greater than power that is known unto men. For men can not comprehend the power and beauty of love as we have. May we never forget how love binds us to one another as it doth now. May someday we conquer time and have it allow us to be with each other forever and ever. As for now until we conquer that great power we must capture every moment we may be allowed with each other; my love…

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