Your Prison | Teen Ink

Your Prison

March 21, 2009
By Praefiscine SILVER, Snohomish, Washington
Praefiscine SILVER, Snohomish, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
“A grownup is a child with layers on.”
-Woody Harrelson

The harp they call my heart you play
Better than even I
Can only hope to understand
The look that's in your eye
Your presence all I needed then
When we had only met
Now I can barely handle it
You've caught me in your net
But I can't sit here on display
Just watching through the glass
I need to be your everything
Or I'm not gonna last
Hold me tighter, bring me close
I'll whisper in your ear
Anything you want, I'll say
As long as we are near
Wouldn't just be hard without you
Love, please understand
You breath is all of my life
As I reach out my hand
You alone can break my chains
So won't you rescue me?
'Cause if you listen to these words
Then you can be my key

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