First step to Discovery | Teen Ink

First step to Discovery

April 21, 2014
By Rebel21 PLATINUM, St. Catharines, Other
Rebel21 PLATINUM, St. Catharines, Other
20 articles 0 photos 73 comments

Favorite Quote:
Where there is desire, there is gonna be a flame,
Where there is a flame someone's bound to get burned.
Just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die,
You've got to get up and try.

This story
Is about a girl
Who fell in love amongst the snowflakes of winter.
Like each of these snowflakes; her love was unique.
This story
Is about a boy
She never owned a fireplace to keep her warm;
He cuddled her corpses and held them tight.
She never longed for the sunshine to brighten her day;
He would kiss her every morning.
She never cried the winter blues; looking upon nature in disgust;
He would tickle her feet and engulf her in whispers to make her believe winter was sweet.
“Don’t leave me,” she whispered against his lips
“Never. And infinity after that,” he spoke strongly and pulled her against him for a longer kiss.
Spring came.
The sun shone.
Months passed of walking down halls with their fingers interlocked.
In each moment; they grew.
They grew to learn about each other; they grew to learn about love,
They grew into each other.
Changed ever so slightly for each other;
But what they couldn’t bare change to keep their love burning is why they now hold ashes.
What they take away from the teardrops and ashes
Is what they learned about themselves.
Though this half- year spent together only ended in wounded hearts;
Weakened and grasping onto a root hanging from the cliff of tomorrow;
This was no mistake.
Mistakes were made; and this mistake was planned by destiny.
Destiny had scheduled a time where we learn how to love; learn to receive.
Through this experience we spent together; we broke apart and grew closer to our own identities.
Closer to who we are,
What we’re made of,
How we change and how we prosper to live.
This story is unfinished.
We have not yet discovered the purity and fullness of our identities;
Our first high-school relationship
Was phase one.

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