The Writer | Teen Ink

The Writer

November 15, 2018
By thefanfictionwritingsidekick02 GOLD, Holly Springs, North Carolina
thefanfictionwritingsidekick02 GOLD, Holly Springs, North Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be improved."

The writer is 

always alone on weekends. 

trying to find 

another story to 

get lost in. 

Trying to bring 

ficitional characters

to life. 

They come to 

her in dreams. 

Tell her the 

human world 

is not for the 

faint of heart. 

That you need 

to survive. 

To smile. 

To meet real people. 

To forget about them. 

The lessons they teach. 

The reader is always

expecting a miracle. 

Something from 

a fairytale. 

Something solid. 



She will laugh 

but wish that 

she was reading instead. 

Instead of being stuck here. 

A fictional character 

in the real world. 

She is not meant 

to be here. 

The spacegirl 

should be among 

the stars. 

Time traveling 

to see if things get better. 

To see who says. 

To see who goes. 

She doesn't have 

a lot of time to waste. 

People lie. They try 

to be good but 

it all gets lost 

in between love letters 

and best friend's smile. 

In between calling for the

Doctor and the TARDIS. 

For the legends 

and the Waverider. 

For adventure. 

For love. For fun. 

For everything. 

The girl wishes 

she was fictional. 

Instead she has 

to leave and face 


The author's comments:

Things that I aspire to be on a daily basis. 

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