On Whether or Not To Wave | Teen Ink

On Whether or Not To Wave

November 15, 2018
By thefanfictionwritingsidekick02 GOLD, Holly Springs, North Carolina
thefanfictionwritingsidekick02 GOLD, Holly Springs, North Carolina
14 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just because something works doesn't mean it can't be improved."

If I see someone I know 

I will wave. 

I don't understand the 

rule of this seemingly 

friendly phenomenon. 


If you are a cute guy 

who I know 

and have spoken to 

at least twice, 




Despite your 

weird thing 

where me 

being friendly 

makes you uncomfortable, 

I will smile and pretend 

for a moment that 

you can see me. 

That you recognize my 

smile, the novel in 

my hand. 

I try not to 

be awkward. 

But my hand 

goes up. 

It moves. 

And surprise, 

this time, 

you actually 

wave back. 

The author's comments:

I consider myself friendly and other people don't wave at me when I do to them, and this is me wondering why. 

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