friends, enemys, strangers, and lovers | Teen Ink

friends, enemys, strangers, and lovers

September 17, 2009
By PLATINUM, Pleasant Valley, Iowa PLATINUM, Pleasant Valley, Iowa
29 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
i admire darkness, its so pretty,
i wish i could be pretty like that...

Friends,strangers,enemies, and lovers..

It feels absolutely great to be in serenity with the world,
even though the worlds a big place…

To conquer it one step at a time, little by little.
When you get to know people for who they truly are they seem decent enough,

when all the passion is soaked out of a relationship, and there have been a few battles…
Don’t die down, and just keep fighting.

The enemy, stranger, alliance all alike because deep down inside you know you wanna Kill your enemy, ignore strangers, and love your ex.
But at the same time get to know them and seen all the fights that we’ve fought in the past.

Seems as if that its been done played out and old.
The only thing left to do is just to make peace, and little by little you might even become friends with them…
Put your weapons, swords down. Just take the time to look at who you have become in hating.

Or saying hello to or even loving...

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 25 2009 at 11:02 am
dylonmichael GOLD, El Dorado, Kansas
10 articles 3 photos 118 comments

Favorite Quote:
i have two one is "live life as if it were your last day on earth" and two is "never make some one your everything because when they leave you you have nothing"

i loved this poem alot