surfing the surface | Teen Ink

surfing the surface

December 12, 2009
By misfit1 GOLD, Phoenix, Arizona
misfit1 GOLD, Phoenix, Arizona
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyone has a God shaped void in their heart.
-Blaise Pascal

If surfing on the surface is popular
Then I guess I’d rather jump off the deep end
With no life jacket to depend on
Holding nothing more than a pen and a pad
Not fighting to stay afloat, but joyfully sinking
Drowning in the depths of creativity
Down here there are no boundaries, no limits
No need to think outside the “box”
Because the box is busy containing those on the surface

So many surfers sit stranded on the surface
While I continue to sink deeper
Maybe that’s why they look DOWN upon me
Because there’s nobody to look UP to anymore
Who would’ve thought it would take drowning
To find my purpose in life

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