The Box | Teen Ink

The Box

October 19, 2010
By DrewSki SILVER, Bridgeport, Connecticut
DrewSki SILVER, Bridgeport, Connecticut
7 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
I laugh at your demise...
What if...?

God I am trapt in a box,
On every side there are sins, temptation and evil thoughts.

I am trapt in the center,the center of this all,
With seemingly no way out unless to commit sin.

Why is my life boxed in like this,
Why does the world surround me like this.

Surrounded by so many evil things,
To the point where doing it becomes natural.

If you walk down the street, and take a good look around,
All you will see are evil acts being commited.

The only good I see is the good in nature and the good in love,
which even now is being currupted.

This is why I pray to God to save me now,
So that I may be a bright light among the darkness.

The author's comments:
Even though I say that "I may be a light among the darkness" I know that I am not perfect, hardly any better than anybody else in this world

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