Here And There | Teen Ink

Here And There

December 4, 2010
By DrewSki SILVER, Bridgeport, Connecticut
DrewSki SILVER, Bridgeport, Connecticut
7 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
I laugh at your demise...
What if...?

He was just standing there,
Holding a sign saying "homeless, have a family, help."

We were just sitting there at the stoplight in our truck,
Wishing we had something to give, yet having lots to give.

I was there with a tears in my eyes,
realizing that another human, a fellow creature may soon die.

All three of us were there, sharing a moment of unease.
Staring at each other, trying to anticipate the others next move.

The light turned green, and we left him standing there,
And now I'm sitting here, feeling disgusted by how much I cared.

The author's comments:
what i meant when i said " feeling disgusted by how much I cared", i meant it in a sarcastic way. like how much i didn't care how i did not care enough to give him my hoodie or buy food for him. needless to say, it was a sad day.

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