Escapism | Teen Ink


April 26, 2011
By e.nadeem PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
e.nadeem PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
37 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Blood rushing through my head
heart pounding- tired, so tired
My senses unalert and eyes red
My patience has finally retired
and I want to get away
Far away, where the ocean flows
somewhere, where conquered by an array
of colors is the sky's incandescent glow
where instead of the blood pounding
hard in my ears, is the calming noise
of the magestic waves crashing against the shore
Lost in the fantasy of he unblesmished scenery,
In the intense depth of the water a striking blue
There are pebbles flung inside, only
to be thrown back out, it's eternal cycle
an epitome of neverending perfection
entrancing me to the extent of disbelief; Im stunned.
I want to be there, to witness
the miraculous workings of nature at its best.
I want to be far away from this place
where life has become too much of a burden
Where lost in my own disheartened ways
i never got a chance to admire the sun.
I want to be far away, where the waves crash
where the seashells in my pocket
jingle with a sound lighter than Christmas bells
where i can be away from everyone, sit,
and admire the poetry around me
the poetry of nature.
Where i can finally have a chance to breathe
as nostalgia overcomes me,
i think of the sporadic chirping of the birds
the sound i want to wake up to.
I think of the beauty no words
can do justice to, the beauty Im missing out on.
I think of the light wind in my hair,
the sand in my feet
the enticing life in the air
and Im filled with the intolerable urge to retreat
back to the place so away from darkness
which is my life
back to the place, away from this unwanted stress
escapism from this wretched strife.
If theres any place I could be
its where the waves crash,
and the water flows unstoppably.

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This article has 1 comment.

Fawny PLATINUM said...
on Jun. 17 2011 at 1:47 am
Fawny PLATINUM, Cheyenne, Wyoming
26 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love is a gift that must be cared for and cherished- Daniel Radcliffe
Life goes on- Tupac Shakur

this piece is so honest, and beautiful!!! it flows perfectly, and has true meaning!!!! i absolutely agree wih this poem. Stupendous job!!!!!!!! :)