You're Out | Teen Ink

You're Out

November 18, 2011
By k.Wrizzle. GOLD, Dry Prong, Louisiana
k.Wrizzle. GOLD, Dry Prong, Louisiana
10 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Lord Lives!
Blessed be the Rock!
Let God be exalted!
The Rock of my salvation!"
-2 Samuel 22:47

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like
To go through the game without any strikes
Not a single regret, not a single mistake
If the universe could just give us a break

So I've found myself here, it's you and I
Trapped on the sidelines by another lie
I struggle to find an ounce of sincerity
Hidden behind the walls of insecurity

Truth not deception, love not abandon
A small dash of hope you're different, then
You walk away, saying your heart wasn't in it
Everlasting scars won't allow me to forget

The bases are loaded. I'm up to bat
In this chaos I wonder where you're at
"I'll be there for you" a promise you didn't keep
I question my expectations. Are they too steep?

None of us can achieve a perfect life
Go day after day without any strife
We are bound to slip up as we all go about
A few missed opportunities earning "You're out!"

The author's comments:
Sometimes I get irritated because I don't meet my expectations. There are times when other people don't meet them either. However, no one is perfect. That's something to remember.

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