I love you | Teen Ink

I love you

January 16, 2012
By Shivam GOLD, Lucknow, Other
Shivam GOLD, Lucknow, Other
19 articles 0 photos 87 comments

Favorite Quote:
Its nothing like nothing or all.. its just that how far you climb up the tree before you fall..

Hidden in this vast world
where are you
I wander for you
so God will render you for me
and if you wander for me
I surrender you a boy that's in love (that's me. )
searching the answer of the love quest
we travel the road which engulfs thorns,
but nothing is as ecstatic as the love song

Just don't give up
I promise I won't too
patience results in a true rapture
soon we'll be free from the Time's capture.
you can't hear me say
but when u will face me, upfront
and destiny provides us a chance to confront
the moment will be the witness of our best comfort
when i use my voice to let you feel the
feeling just meant to be felt only by you
ya i'm gonna say- I Love You.

I know the stars you see
the moon you be
the air you take in
and games destiny is playin
are the same with me
burning in the same flame as you
i also see the sky turn black to blue
on every dawn when you wish to get what i do too.

Just don't give up
I promise I won't too
patience results in a true rapture
soon we'll be free from the Time's capture.
you can't hear me say
but when u wil lface me, upfront
and destiny provides us a chance to confront
the moment will be the witness of our best comfort
when i use my voice to let you feel the
feeling just meant to be felt only by you
ya i'm gonna say- I Love You.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 19 2012 at 7:39 pm
Angelgirl39 GOLD, Monument, Colorado
13 articles 5 photos 64 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"I can sum up all I have learned about life in three words: It goes on\"
~Robert Frost

\"Those who dream by day are often more aware of things then those who dream only by night\"
~Edgar Allan Poe

As always, an amazing poem. I love this one, it's one of my favorites written by you my dearest B. So very fantastic as always. You have a gift, keep writing

on Feb. 18 2012 at 12:08 pm
AllenStovall PLATINUM, Port Lavaca, Texas
23 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"two things are infinate, the universe and human stupidity, and im still not sure about the universe"
albert einstein

this is awesome!!!!!!!