Only Reminds Me | Teen Ink

Only Reminds Me

March 6, 2012
By justjosie PLATINUM, Scottsburg, Indiana
justjosie PLATINUM, Scottsburg, Indiana
38 articles 1 photo 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love a girl who writes,
and live her many lives;
you have yet to find her,
beneath her words of guise."

“I miss you”
only reminds me you’re gone.
“I need you”
only reminds me you’re not coming back.
“I love you”
only reminds me you took my heart with you.
“I want you”
only reminds me you were never mine to have.

The pain from these words only remind me you were real.

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This article has 4 comments.

Joshua. GOLD said...
on Mar. 9 2012 at 7:15 pm
Joshua. GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
10 articles 0 photos 46 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: Who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived, or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?" - Hunter S Tompson

Good stuff!

on Mar. 9 2012 at 7:09 pm
marissadele PLATINUM, Danbury, Connecticut
20 articles 3 photos 388 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you know how you feel, and so clearly what you need to say, you'll know it. I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now." -Taylor Swift

This is lovely and sad and it holds so much emotion and meaning....i love it, 5/5 =)

raeee GOLD said...
on Mar. 9 2012 at 4:23 pm
raeee GOLD, Walla Walla, Georgia
15 articles 3 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Would she hear me if I called her name? Would she hold me if she knew my shame? Would she even love me if I was to blame?" -Favourite poem ever♥

This is so simple, and yet it holds so much meaning. I thoroughly enjoyed it, it made me feel the pain and the hurt and yet the love all at the same time. I would dig deeper, but I haven't the time. Keep writing! You're wondrous!

on Mar. 7 2012 at 8:04 pm
futurenovelista SILVER, Staatsburg, New York
8 articles 0 photos 64 comments

Favorite Quote:
"But I being poor have only my dreams...I place my dreams at your feet. Tread softly for you tread on my dreams." -Yeats

Its short and straight to the point. MY type of poem! I really liked it and i hope you continue to write more like it! :)