Lost Hair | Teen Ink

Lost Hair

November 25, 2012
By Athenly GOLD, Oakhurst, California
Athenly GOLD, Oakhurst, California
11 articles 3 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
People see what they want to see and disraguard the rest.
~Paul Simon

It was just an ordinary hair cut day
That came once a year in the month of May
My locks were long and ready for a trim
And the sign on the shop said “We’re open, come in!”

I came in and sat down in the chair
And asked the barber, “What can you do with my hair?
It has grown way too long this year
If it grows any longer I’ll be Rupunzel, I fear!”

The barber looked at my hair and sighed,
“I can do many-a-thing! Let it be a surprise!”
And before I could oppose his suggestion
He went to work on my hair without a question.

“Just a little snip here and a little dye there
And pretty soon you’ll have fabulous hair!
All the boys in town
Will chase you around,”
Said the barber with his scissors of pair.

But when I saw my hair, I cried,
“Good heavens! My hair is purpley dyed!
I don’t want to have hair the color of grapes,
Or that looks like my grandmother’s drapes!”

“Not a problem, I can fix it,”
Said the barber using his wit
“Just a little snip here and a little dye there
And pretty soon you’ll have fabulous hair!
All the boys in town
Will chase you around,”
Said the barber with his scissors of pair.

But when I saw my hair, I yelled,
“I don’t want hair that needs to be constantly gelled!
A Mohawk is crazy! What are you thinking?
Do you have a brain? What are you drinking?!”

“Not a problem, I can fix it,”
Said the barber using his wit
“Just a little snip here and a little dye there
And pretty soon you’ll have fabulous hair!
All the boys in town
Will chase you around,”
Said the barber with his scissors of pair.

But when I saw my hair, I screamed,
“Dreadlocks, no! How could you be so mean?
These are all knots, gross and unsanitary
I wonder how many germs these can carry!”

“Not a problem, I can fix it,”
Said the barber using his wit
“Just a little snip here and a little dye there
And pretty soon you’ll have fabulous hair!
All the boys in town
Will chase you around,”
Said the barber with his scissors of pair.

But when I saw my hair, I screeched,
“It’s all on the floor and my head’s a peach!
You made me bald, you meanie, you rat!
Now why on earth did you do that?”

The barber just shrugged his shoulders and said,
“You didn’t like purple and you didn’t like dreads
So I figured you didn’t like hair at all
And I must say, without hair, you’re a doll!”

I cried and cried as I left the shop
Maybe I could hide my head under a mop.
But riding home, I saw a girl filled with glee
She pointed and said, “Mommy, that girl is just like me!”

She came over and sat right down
She had a smile and I had a frown.
“Why are you so sad? Rough day at the hospital?
Did your visit this time hurt just a little?”

I looked at her with a strange expression and said,
“Not exactly… the barber shaved all my hair off my head.”

“Oh, so you’ve just started treatment. I see.
I hope it goes away fast. It’s taking forever for me,”
She said as she patted my back to show support
Little did she know, I didn’t need her comfort.

Before I could say, “I’m not sick like you,”
She hopped off the bus and bid me adieu.
“I hope you get better,” she said with a smile
“Hopefully it only takes just a little while.”

The rest of the way home, I gave some deep thought
She really changed my perspective, a lot!
I decided that so what if I didn’t have the hair I once had
Being bald really wasn’t nearly all that bad.

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