does he feel the same way as i do? | Teen Ink

does he feel the same way as i do?

May 17, 2013
By KayliLovesYou PLATINUM, Lincoln, Nebraska
KayliLovesYou PLATINUM, Lincoln, Nebraska
25 articles 0 photos 52 comments

Favorite Quote:
dont cry because it is over smile because it happened

I look at him and get lost in his brown eyes

His brown hair hangs in his eyes
i lose my breath as he smiles

i blush as i see the twinkle in his eyes

Does he feel the same way i do

i ask as i look at him and wonder
i realize he is a good person
a good guy who cares to much and gets hurt because he care so much

i can see his scars

and they are just like mine

does he feel the same as i do

how can i ask him

should i ask my friends to ask him

should i just do it myself

and i tell him

i like you

and he says

i like you too

so he does feel the same way i do

and i wish i had told him earlier than when i did


does he feel the same way i do ???

yes he does

and it takes me to another
time and place

with no pain
and just
without getting hurt

The author's comments:
this is about a guy in my class and i told him that i like him and he told me that he likes me too and i have liked him for a long time and i just didn't know if he felt the same way and now that i know he does i wish i would have told him a lot earlier than when i did. I just get lost in his eyes. I hope you will enjoy this poem

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 27 2014 at 8:18 pm
TheComet PLATINUM, Mostaganem, Other
22 articles 1 photo 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret" -Ambrose Bierce
" Be yourself! Everybody else is already taken ;)"
"Don't go where the path leads you. Go instead where there's no path and leave a trail ;)"-R.W.Emerson

Finally a beautiful happy poem :D I like it a lot. I like the Dialogue use it gave your poem a special touch ^_^ Keep ot up dear. Thanks a loy for sharing this