This Is For | Teen Ink

This Is For

May 23, 2013
By justjosie PLATINUM, Scottsburg, Indiana
justjosie PLATINUM, Scottsburg, Indiana
38 articles 1 photo 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love a girl who writes,
and live her many lives;
you have yet to find her,
beneath her words of guise."

This is for the girl who sits alone
in her room,
listening to her sister crying
while her parents scream
their hate

This is for the boy who wishes his
grandmother would speak
to him,
and wonders why she turns away
because he told her
he doesn’t like girls

This is for the people
who can’t see past what society
had made for them to be,
and who can’t see
their beauty underneath the scars

This is for those wear long sleeves
in the middle of summer,
to hide the scratches
from the “cat”
and the bruises from “tripping”

This is for the lovers,
who hold on to threads
and for the fighters
who never left the
battle behind

This is for the prayers,
who whisper their dreams and fears
into the air,
knowing one day
they will get an answer

This is for you.

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