drawing blook with pain | Teen Ink

drawing blook with pain

October 30, 2013
By KayliLovesYou PLATINUM, Lincoln, Nebraska
KayliLovesYou PLATINUM, Lincoln, Nebraska
25 articles 0 photos 52 comments

Favorite Quote:
dont cry because it is over smile because it happened

I can no longer breathe

yet i force myself to do so

i look out at the moon

my tears are rain drops from the storm clouds above

no one knows

how pain i truly contain

which only grows stronger day after day

i would rather die than to keep going like i am

But suicide is not an option

so all i can do is force myself to keep going

although i know it will create a darker place in which i do not wish to return

so instead i walk in the storm and

hide behind a tree to cry my rainy tears

that stain my shoes

and now


draw blood eternally by only my pain from my now






The author's comments:
this is about when i fell in love with this guy and the relationship had only lasted 3 and 1/2 weeks untill he broke up with me. He said that he did not have anyway to get ahold of me and that he thought that we would not be able to hangout outside of school.
and when i talked to him the first time he said that here is a possibility that we would be getting back together and them i talked to him again the other day and now he says no way at all are we ever getting back together. I hope you enjoyed my poem. Please rate and comment. thank you

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on Aug. 27 2014 at 8:12 pm
TheComet PLATINUM, Mostaganem, Other
22 articles 1 photo 439 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret" -Ambrose Bierce
" Be yourself! Everybody else is already taken ;)"
"Don't go where the path leads you. Go instead where there's no path and leave a trail ;)"-R.W.Emerson

That was very sad and dark but still deep and very descriptive. I'm starting to think that you only look on the dark side and write only about pain. But what can I say?! A poet is born from pain ^_^ this only to say that you are a great poet and very talented when it comes to talk poetically. My opinion on this is that you seem to be a nice, kind and cool girl and if this guy didn't see it, well believe me IT'S HIS LOSS...I'm not just saying it, I MEAN IT ;) My other opinion is that you are such an amazing girl that he might not bare the thought of comparing himself to you and alwats being lower than you. So keep progressing and believe in yourself cuz no one else is gonna do the work for you. Keep your faith strong in yourself. Keep up the Great work and Thanks for sharing this