Didn't Know | Teen Ink

Didn't Know

January 11, 2014
By KrisNoe GOLD, Mayfield, Kentucky
KrisNoe GOLD, Mayfield, Kentucky
16 articles 7 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't pay no mind to the demons. They fill you with fear.
- Phillip Phillips

Now no one knows of my confusion
I hide it very carefully from your intrusion

You don’t know me or my life
So surprised when I pull out a knife
Time to end your heart beat
The reaper wants your soul to eat
You have never shown interest until you die
You always thought I bought your lies
You don’t care, you don’t love
So why should you go above?
Why should I not end you?
Devilish pain and sweet murder for you, too
Such fun to be had, for me.
And everyone gets to see
As you slowly stop kicking
That you really need to start thinking
Before my fantasy of a moment, so sweet
Becomes your reality of fiery heat

As I fantasize, you hug me
Tell me sweet lies of “love” and don’t see
The disbelief, so carefully hidden
I know calling you out is forbidden
After turning away, my eyes scream “Come hither”
To a knife, a gun, or a pair of sweet scissors
If my fantasy was reality, there would be blood

Since you didn’t know
You can’t change
You don’t know
But after death, I can scream

The author's comments:
I get called white trash and worthless by my aunts/uncles on my mom's side. This is the healthy way to vent, I believe.

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