hit the water | Teen Ink

hit the water

June 1, 2009
By austin perri BRONZE, Rancho Mirage, California
austin perri BRONZE, Rancho Mirage, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

as your strapped in the adrenaline rush,
the water around you begins to gush'
as your dropped in you are chilled by the cold,
thats when you start to fell a little bold,
as you pop out of the frigid water,
you start to go a little faster,
wake boards make you feel you cant be held back,
then you take a picture with your kodak,
then you fall back extremely quick,
you fall so hard you think you need a medic.

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on Jun. 1 2015 at 9:28 pm
AllSoPlayfulWhenYouDemonize BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 228 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Our passion is our strength."
-Billie Joe Armstrong

Love it!!!