Three Limericks | Teen Ink

Three Limericks

December 4, 2012
By Fashionista828 PLATINUM, Vienna, Virginia
Fashionista828 PLATINUM, Vienna, Virginia
39 articles 12 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
True love doesn't have a happy ending, because true love dosn't end. <3
"I am a great housekeeper: Every time I lose a man I get his house!!" ~Zsa Zsa Gabor

There once was a girl named Harriet
Who rode around town in her chariot
Her horse was real fast
He won races at vast
Cause his name was Secretariat

There was once a man named Phill
Who enjoyed letting blood spill
He called it a game
And taught how to maim
Let’s see how much Phill can kill

Once there was a girl name Darla
Who’s best friend was Carla
She stole her pencil one day
So she sent her away
And became best friends with Marla

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