Drinkin' All the Good Ones Away | Teen Ink

Drinkin' All the Good Ones Away

August 28, 2012
By MissMaegan SILVER, Port St. Lucie, Florida
MissMaegan SILVER, Port St. Lucie, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy."

--Marilyn Monroe

I woke up by the lake,
That clear bottle in my hand,
With a head that hurt like hell,
And a Georgia clay tan.
A trace of his cologne still
Imprinted on my clothes,
But his name or who he was,
No one 'round here seems to know.

CHORUS: Now he's a whiskey memory,
From a full moon night,
A nameless shadow figure,
With lips that tasted just right.
But if I think real hard,
And try with all my might,
I can sometimes, still recall,
A pair of blue, blue eyes.

Oooh, oh, oh

You've done this all before,
And Lord knows you'll do it all again,
You made another fool of yourself, baby,
You've blown another chance.
So stop with your excuses,
Dry your eyes and change today,
Girl, you really gotta stop
Drinkin' all the good ones away.


Oooh, oh, oh

The author's comments:
I'm definitely not condoning teen drinking or anything, but I had a good idea for a song. Wrote this in Pre Calculus to pass the time ;) But it has a positive message of stopping such reckless behavior,and the subject is over 21, and I think it's important that everyone doesn't drink so much that they can't remember the night before - or the boy they were with.

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This article has 1 comment.

. said...
on Sep. 5 2012 at 1:51 pm
I like this, I can definitely imagine this as a country song with lots of fiddle :) Great detail